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green tea leaf extract

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GREEN TEA LEAF_中文名_是什么药_CAS号_化学结构式-药智数据GREEN TEA LEAF EXTRACT;THEA SINENSIS[HPUS];GREEN TEA EXTRACT;GREEN TEA[VANDF];CAMELLIA SINENSIS(GREEN TEA)EXTRACT;CAMELLIA SINENSIS LEAF[WHO-DD];CAMELLIA SINENSIS LEAF EXTRACT[WHO-Green tea extract:Possible mechanism and antibacterial activity on skin pathogens机译:茶花(茶)以其治疗特性(抗炎,抗微生物,抗肿瘤,抗氧化和抗衰老)而闻名。尽管已经研究了绿茶的抗微生物特性,但是其对与皮肤感染和作用机理有关的细菌菌株的作用尚不十分清楚。我们专注于探索抗微生物活性和水性绿茶叶提取物对所选细菌菌株的基本机制。通过圆盘扩散法(抑制区≥7mm),发现表皮葡萄球菌,黄微球菌,亚麻短杆菌,荧光假单胞菌和枯草芽孢杆菌对绿茶提取物敏感。最小抑制浓度(MIC)通过硝基蓝四唑(NBT)测定(0.156-0.313 mg / ml)确定。此外,发现水提取物直至500μg/ ml的浓度对Vero细胞系无毒。

+▂+ Effect of storage temperature and antioxidant additives on the color and physiological activity of gamma irradiated green tea leafGamma irradiation was used as part of a new processing method to produce a brighter-colored and mild-flavored green tea leaf extract that retained all of its physiological The Effects of Green Tea Leaf Extract on Cytogenetical and Physiological Parameters of Allium cepa L.exposed to Salinity本网站仅为用户提供外文OA文献查询和代理获取服务,本网站没有原文。下单后我们将采用程序或人工为您竭诚获取高质量的原文,但由于OA文献来源多样且变更频繁,仍可能出现获取不到、文献不完整或。

PRODUCTION OF GREEN TEA EXTRACT ABUNDANTLY CONTAINING THEAFLAVIN200 activity units based on 1 kg solid of the green tea leaves)at 25°C for 60 min under conditions so as not to advance the fermentation and the resultant slurry is then fermentedREFINED PLANT VINEGAR ADDING GREEN TEA EXTRACT DEVELOPED RAW MATERIAL OR INGREDIENT OF HEALTH-FUNCTIONAL FOOD FOR ANTIPLATELET The invention remove clots that the tea leaf extract containing refined wood vinegar mix the green tea leaf extract for promoting eliminated thrombus removal function of refining 。

PRODUCTION OF CHESTNUT BEVERAGE HAVING ANTICANCER AND ANTIOXIDANT ACTIVITY BY MIXING EXTRACT OF CHESTNUT INNER SKIN WHICH HAS PURPOSE:A method of making a chestnut beverage by mixing chestnut inner skin extract,green tea leaf extract and Polygonatum odoratum extract is provided.It reutilizes the Selected physicochemical and solubilization properties of pharmacopeal solutions of dry green tea leaf extract(Ext.Camellia The obtained results indicate that the prepared‘ex tempore’leaf green tea infusion subjected to short thermal exposure will be characterized by significant solubilization 。

Effect of green tea(camellia sinensis l.)leaf extract on reproductive system of adult male albino ratsGreen tea leaf extract(GTLE),used in this experiment has shown great influence on male reproductive system functionally as well as morphologically.The extract was prepared Green Tea ExtractZhejiang Benod Automobile Manufacturing Co.,Ltd. Sicher Elevator Co.,Ltd. Taizhou Champion Materials Science and Technology Co.,Ltd. Guangzhou Wonder Coating Technology Co.,Ltd. 。

